Thursday, June 28, 2012

Vacation Day 1

Our first day of vacation began on Sunday...And with me driving a 2 year old & a 2 month old to Louisville. By myself. We were doomed from the moment we pulled out of the driveway.

I'm not sure when Mason decided he hated the carseat but lately he resists being strapped in & then screams NON STOP until you either take him out or he screams himself to sleep. The latter of which he did not give into this time. At all. For 2 1/2 hours. Did I mention I was by myself?!

Nolin was pretty content watching his movie for the 1st 45 minutes. But right about the time we were crossing the bridge into KY he decided that he had had enough of Mason. So in addition to Mason's screaming, I was now listening to a toddler scream "SHUT UP!!" at his baby brother while holding his hands over his ears. 20 minutes later they both passed out. Halle-freaking-lujah! Did I mention I was by myself?!

Ah, but the peace only lasted a short while. My gas gauge started beeping to remind me I was low on fuel so Mason quickly resumed his screaming. Meanwhile I just prayed Nolin would sleep through it. And he did for awhile. But alas, the last 30 minutes of our trip involved more screaming & the back of my seat being kicked mercilessly. I was actually relieved to leave the car to stand on hot pavement inhale fumes to pump gas lol. Did I mention I was by myself?!

Can't wait to do it all over again this Sunday <insert eye roll> Aye yi yi.


Noelle Spooner

I feel ya on this post! My son hated the car seat for soooooo long. I would end up in tears on some trips. I can't imagine dealing with two screamers at the same time. Hope you have fun in Louisville. I love that city!


Thanks! It's my hometown :) While we're only a couple hours away I'm Ohio, because I had such a hard pregnancy this last time & was on bed rest I haven't been home in almost a year! So I decided to spent a week of my maternity leave catching up with old friends & seeing my family :)

And um you FLY with Hudson!!! I'm pretty sure that bravery tops my car ride with 2 screamers lol ;)

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