Thursday, June 28, 2012

Vacation Day 3

Jamie & Dorie both had to work early so they brought Donovan to the house so my Dad could take him to daycare when he left for work. However, when Nolin woke up at 630 & saw his cousin...He went [excited] bonkers!! Which resulted in a major tantrum when D left. And he asked for him allllll day. And then another tantrum when Mimi left to take D the shoe he somehow left in the driveway (see a pattern?!)

We had 847 things to do. But after his tantrum Nolin fell asleep from 930-1230. Our plans of going out to lunch for my Mom's birthday got thrown to the wayside & we ended up at Skyline. Where, since he never gets cheese, he eagerly devoured a bowl of it. That's right, just a bowl of shredded cheese...

Next we had an appt to view Jamie's wedding venue so that I could get an idea of setup & decorations needed. That lasted all of 10 minutes...Mason was screaming for food & Nolin was running around like a lunatic yelling (just to hear his echo).

Then we headed to Mom's work to visit all of her friends so they could see the boys. Luckily Nolin behaved...Since he was the center of attention & all! He rearranged Mimi's desk, scattered her sticky notes & made sure he took down her despicable UofL doll hahaha (that one was COMPLETELY unprovoked). After making our rounds we headed home for pizza & to wait for Jamie to get off work before heading for ice cream. Although Nolin's favorite flavor of EVERYTHING is banana, because Graeters doesn't add dyes to their food (thank God) it wasn't yellow & he wouldn't eat. Round 2 brought chocolate. Too bad I don't have a picture of THAT mess <insert eye roll>

Lastly, we headed over to check out Jamie & Dorie's new house. Nolin made himself right at home by running around, acting like a troll (including escaping the tub during bath time to run around wet & naked)  before passing out watching a movie. We finally headed to my parents' house around midnight where I finally mastered the whole "carrying 2 sleeping kids inside without waking them up" thing. Super pumped about that one ;)


Noelle Spooner

You were very busy on vacation! You might need a vacation to recover from your vacation!


Yeah it was pretty much the farthest thing from a vacation!! Oh well, I got the chance to spend a week with my family & catch up with friends I hadn't seen in years so it was still a success :)

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