Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday Mini Series

I swear...This kid is getting more & more creative with his reasoning skills LOL!

Nolin: (points to his cozy coupe outside as its stuck in a pile of leaves) Oh no!! My car!!

Me: What's wrong with it?

Nolin: It's stuck! Oh no Mommy!

Me: It's okay...

Nolin: I need to go outside.

Me: Why?!

Nolin: To help my car!! It's stuck!!

Me: Nice try. Your car will survive...

Needless to say, winter is going to get REAL interesting :/


(As Nolin proceeds to dump out yet ANOTHER basket of toys...)

Me: Nolin! No!

Nolin: Why?

Me: Cause I told you no more toys til you clean up the ones you already got out!!

(He dumps it out anyway)

Me: <sigh>

Nolin: What?!

Me: You make Mommy want to jump off a bridge sometimes.

Nolin: <evil grin> Okay!!

I have a feeling that was his plan all along. It's a conspiracy, I tell ya!


Nolin: I'm hungry (which I swear sounds like "horny" lol). I want lunch.

Me: No, its dinner time. We'll eat soon.

(He decides to help himself to the fridge)

Nolin: I want this (brings me a bag of kale)

Me: Good choice. However, no.

(Adam takes it away from him & he follows him back to the fridge)

Nolin: I want an apple (pulls out an onion)

Adam: That's not an apple. That's an onion.

Nolin: No!!!! Apple!!!!

Adam: Yeah okay. You take a big bite of that & we'll see...

Nolin: (stares at the onion in his hand for a minute before deciding not to try it) I want to eat!!!! I want to eat!!!! I WANT TO EAAAAAAT!!!!

Me: I kind of wish he had taken a bite of the onion....

I'm so mean lol.


(We have a habit of making/ordering extra food for ourselves cause Nolin has a habit of eating off our plates)

Nolin: I want this (points to a pancake on my plate)

Me: No. Finish your hashbrowns first.

Nolin: (dramatic sigh)

Me: Do you want a piece of sausage?

Nolin: Nope. I want cake.

Me: You have to eat something else first. Do you want an egg sandwich?

Nolin: NO!!! I want cake!!

Me: Too bad.

Nolin: (puts the rest of his food on my plate) I'm done.

Me: You're done?!

Nolin: Yep. All gone. I'm done.

(He snatches a pancake off my plate)


Me: Are you freaking serious?!?!

(Hilarious laughter ensues from all 3 boys. I hate being outnumbered LOL)


(We've been working on shapes at home - square, circle, rectangle, triangle)

Nolin: (brings a pot onto the carpet, stands on it then picks it up) Circle!!!

Me: Good job baby!

(Proceeds to continue the process until the carpet is covered in circles lol)

Later outside...

Nolin: (picks up a rock) Daddy!! Pizza!!

Adam: Um that's a triangle.

Nolin: No. Pizza.

On one hand, at least he knows that pizzas are triangle shaped...


(We've also been working on colors...Which Adam says he knows but he's never done for me)

Me: (points to his green lid) What color is this?

Nolin: What color is this?

Me: Um okay...(points to his red plate) What color is this?

Nolin: What color is this?

Me: Are you MOCKING me?!?!

(Everyone laughs)

Adam: Nolin, where's black?

Nolin: (points to my cup) Black.

Adam: Where's green?

Nolin: (points to his lid) Green.

Adam: Where's red?

Nolin: (points to his lid again) Red.

Adam: No. Where's red?

Nolin: (points to his lid again) RED!!

Adam: He knows his colors. He's just busting my balls.

Nolin: (laughs hysterically)



(While watching a commercial for the movie The Life of Pi)

Adam: (repeating a line from the commercial) "You don't just watch this movie you LIVE it"...Hmm.

Me: Well that would be an awkward experience since pie is meant to be EATEN.

Adam: <flabbergasted look> Wooooow.

Yep. I'm a fat girl. Who names a math something or other after a delicious dessert anyway?!


(While watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)

Mickey: Hi! Want to come inside my clubhouse?

Nolin: Nope.

Mickey: Okay! Let's say the magic words to make the clubhouse appear.

Nolin: Nope.

Mickey: Ready? Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse!

Nolin: Nope. Nope. Nope.

I think its safe to say Nolin's new word of the week: Nope.


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